Good news! the language test went well (as well as i think it could have gone) and i passed!! that was the last major barrier between me and becoming a volunteer tomorrow morning. preparations are now under way for our big day tomorrow... swear in in the morning, lunch with the ambassador, amazing american meal (cooked by us!) for dinner, then celebration party at night. its weird in one day i will be a real volunteer and in just four days i will be leaving for good for my final site.
on a side note, in a letter that i just recieved today from reenie i was reminded of something that ive been meaning to post on, the mauritanian opinion of barak obama. its funny bc when i bring out my american magazines the kids in my family all think that every man (no matter if he is 70 or black) looks like my male sitemate ryan and every women (even if she is chinese) looks like me or my female sitemate julie ann. but they can point out a picture of barak obama from anywhere. they may not really know his policies but they know he is black and has african roots and they love that.

picture is of my four sitemates and our teacher, baila, during our last evening class (evening class was always outside, on a mat, next to bailas house)
Teresa -- Congratulations to you and all of the PK7 group on passing the language tests! Hope you all have a wonderful time celebrating today after swearing in. I laughed out loud when I read that all the kids think any male picture is Ryan. That's great!!
Take care, and I look forward to hearing all about your new home!
Hello, Teresa! Congratulations on being sworn in as an official volunteer yesterday!! I am so very, very happy that the PK7 gang was around Ryan when he called home. It was FANTASTIC hearing your voice! You all sounded so happy and I'm talking about just the celebratory beverages, either! ;o)
Thanks for being such a great friend to Ryan and the other PK7 gang -- the bonds you all have created are very special, and I hope they continue when you move to Boghe. Although, with Ryan just 10K down the road, you may get a little sick of seeing him!!
Take care, and please, please keep the blog and pictures going. You are my link!
Congratulations. Love the posts.
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