7am: woke up. luckily its still a little cool in the mornings (only a few more days left of that). went for a run along the canal next to my house which offeres the perfect amount of privacy so that i feel comfortable running in pants but also close enough to the houses so i feel safe.
8am: shower. cold bucket bath that is. then getting ready for my day!
9am: walk to the market. i basically do this everyday kind of out of boredom/exercise/continuity. visit the post office to see if we have mail (the post man and me have a love/hate relationship), buy some veggies at my favorite veggie lady and go to my favorite "jumbo" boutique where the owners act like everytime they see me is christmas day. its good to start your day with mauritanians who you can trust and dont rip you off because youre white.
11am: spent some time at the regional house watching greys anatomy and reading
12pm-3pm: eat lunch at the house of one of my center girls with mark. surprizingly, she actually understood what vegetarian ment and we enjoyed an AMAZING mauritanian vegetarian meal (which i never thought was possible!) started with salad (weird to eat with your hands!), vegetarian maffe (a traditional african meal i didnt even know you could make vegetarian), little african cup cakes and fresh fruit, and lastly three rounds of atie (tea). **Normally i would eat lunch at the regional house and then hang out in the saloon at my host family's house in the afternoon**
3pm: more time lounging around the regional house
4pm-7pm: teaching english at the center. I teach the first hour and half class for the older girls while mark teaches the younger girls for the second hour and half (i have to chaperone marks lesson). my lesson was on food and maket vocabulary and conversations, went pretty well i think (inspite of the low attendance due to the fete this week).
7pm-9pm: hang out at regional house and make some dinner. usually involves some sort of movie/tv show marathons.
9pm-11pm: hang out with the host fam and/or read before bed.
So thats my day! some are more frustrating then others but today was a good one so i felt compelled to write about my normal day.. hope you enjoyed!
heres are some pics from julie ann's bday party a few days ago! on the right is a pic of the amazing bday meal that me and yates made for julie and our other regionmates (its like olive garden but better! lasgana, salad, brucshetta, and garlic bread) and on the left is some of us jsut hanging out at the regional house (i guess i didnt get the poker face memo).
on the right is julie ann's bday cake made by our adoptive regionmate amanda and then julies bday cupcake!
1 comment:
haha, love it! best bday meal everrr!! and i enjoy how you say you "have to chaperone" mark during his lessons... kind of like how we have to chaperone him while he fries burritos ;)
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