Me, Julie and Yates started the Easter festivities off with egg dying at the Boghé house on Good Friday. It was unanimously agreed on that everything is better (and more hilarious) when wearing bunny ears. Washing the dishes, packing, doing work, cooking, everything. Also, putting Easter bunny ears and bells on Bailey is always a recipe for a good time.

Then I went up to Aleg to visit Amanda for a little bit before we both went to Nouakchott together for some much needed R&R. All I can say is thank god I travel with bunny ears in my purse because we just happened to run into a guy selling vegetables (on Good Friday mind you) with an "I heart Jesus" hat on. The perfect holy week photo op! Once we got to Nouakchott Saturday we decided to buy each other “easter baskets” (plastic bags with goodies in them) and hid them around the room for us to find on Easter morning (with bunny ears on of course). On the right is a pic of us with our Easter complets and goodies!

After baskets we went to mass at the Catholic Church here in Nouakchott. It was a really nice mass, even complete with some Mauritanians converting and taking their first communion (notice the Africans in the picture on the left wearing completely white/sequins/glitter ball/rhinestone dress and hair creations). On the right is a picture of the courtyard outside the church, although it is also surrounded by a huge 20 ft tall cement fence so no Mauritanians can tell what it is.

Some of my friends that I went to Easter brunch with…

Everything is better with Easter ears! Picture on the left is me doing some work in the Huda, our hotel in Nouakchott. And on the right is me with the newly installed picture of Obama! Interestingly, if you go back to my Christmas post there is a picture of us with George Bush (lame duck president) and next to him, Sidi, the old president who was ousted in a coup back in August. Now Obama has replaced Bush and the other frame is vacant…

1 comment:
Hello, Teresa! So sorry -- I have been terrible about checking out the blogs recently, but I'm back! Glad to see that the dogs in Boghe suffer the same indignities thrust on them by their owners as the dogs in America -- bunny ears? HA HA!! ;o) Glad the PK7 group got together again -- sounds like things are going well for you.
Take care, and I'll visit again, SOON. Promise!
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