Friday, June 27, 2008


Today we leave the center (and all the other 77 trainees) to start our two month homestay and language training. I was placed in village PK7 (in french literally milemarker 7) and my new language will be pulaar! since i passed the french test i was placed into a 3rd language. I havent had a chance to look it up yet but i heard its one of the most popular african languages (after swahili), esp. along the west coast. there will be 4 of us in PK7 but we are all staying with different host families (who may or may not speak any english or french). im reallly nervous about starting the homestay but also excited because its one more step closer to becoming a real PCV! In mauritaina pulaar is spoken only in the south along the Senegal river which is the exact region i wanted... i couldnt ask for a better placement!

over the next few weeks i will be living in PK7 taking 8 hour a day language courses and coming back to the Rosso training center about once a week for my technical girls education workshops.

look for a new post in a few weeks to see how village life with my host family is!
-picture is of the huuugggeee traditional mauitanian tent that was set up during staging

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