Monday, October 27, 2008

seasons changing...

so things arent exactly cold yet, but you can def. feel a little bit of change in the air... finally the cold season is beginning to come! dont get me wrong, it is still hot as hell during the day (im sure somewhere in the high 90s) but ive started to use a sheet at night (which is a great change from july when i would wake up in a pool of sweat hahah). this morning when i woke up and was walking around my compound, i had the sudden feeling that i was walking around in america on a crisp, sunny, autumn morning. there is this great time between 730 and 930 in the morning when the sky is bright blue, its breezy and there is a slight chill in the air... it has really helped me get over this little bit of homesickness. there is something about the changing seasons that has everyone here a little homesick. i think maybe its finally hitting me that this isnt a summer trip anymore. summer is over back home, its getting cold and the trees are changing, but im still here. but its all good, im happy to be finally working and loving living in the regional capital where other PCVs are always visiting so there is never a boring moment. in a few weeks the cold season will really be here and i cannot wait! it will be so great to finally have a break from the heat (until it comes back in even more force in april/may-supposedly the hottest part of the year that i have yet to experience, oh no).

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