So last Sunday night I was coming over to the regional house and a bunch of little kids were sitting around our door and then starting running toward me yelling “petit chien! Deux milles ouguiya!” (little dog, 8 dollars). Toubabs are known as the only freaks in Mauritania who keep animals as pets haha… I called out some of the other girls who were at the house and we talked it over (while falling in love with this scared to death dog and surrounded by kids in the street) but unfortunately we already have one dog and way too small of a house. So we told the kids sorry, we can’t take it, even though it killed to know that those kids were probably going to drown the dog or just leave it in the streets somewhere. We all went back in the courtyard and were hanging out outside when there was a yelp from the far corner of the yard and we realized that the kids had thrown the dog into our yard! He was so scared and shacking, but no broken bones thank god. We spent the next few hours trying what to do and calling people to see if anyone wanted it because there was know way to let this dog stay over night and not get attached to it. Luckily Ryan said that he wanted it so we have been spending all this week with this adorable puppy (named Nittany, Jo Pa just didn’t sound right haha). Him and Bailey (our other dog) are so cute together and I had to put up some pics of them.

On other more sad note, word must have gotten around that the Americans were adopting puppies because the next night another puppy got brought to the house and two others the night after that. Then the next day I got approached by a bunch of kids on my walk home who had a puppy they wanted to give me. Its so sad because animals are so mistreated here but theres no way that we could try and save them all. When Tiffany leaves in August she is planning taking Bailey back to America with her so hopefully I will be getting my own new puppy when I move into the house… inshallah!
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