after much gossip and anticipation, we got our final site placements today! the staff drew a huge map of mauritania out inthe sand with all the cities that we were placed in labeled and called us out one by one to stand in our new home for the next two years. i got my ultimate dream site placement: Boghe!! (pronounced bow-gay). its along the river, liberal (no mulafas for girls (head coverings)), big city (19,000 ppl), and vegetarian friendly. i met a girl whose stationed there now a few weeks ago and have been obsessing about the idea of getting placed there and then i was! shes a vegetarian to and lives in the regional house with a pet dog... my two favorite things!
we leave tomorrow for our site visit so i will be spending the next week or so getting to know my new site with my new sitemates (PCVs who are starting their second year). ive heard theres a lot of great vegetarian american food planned and i will pick out where i am going to be living (either with a host family or on my own). i have another new trainee going with me to boghe, mark, who is in the tech sector, and then there is a few other trainees stationed right outside Boghe. my sitemates during training at PK7 are all pretty close too (ryan is just a few km, julies about an hour out and matt is in kaedi) which is awesome.
more stories to come! wish me luck on site visit!
we leave tomorrow for our site visit so i will be spending the next week or so getting to know my new site with my new sitemates (PCVs who are starting their second year). ive heard theres a lot of great vegetarian american food planned and i will pick out where i am going to be living (either with a host family or on my own). i have another new trainee going with me to boghe, mark, who is in the tech sector, and then there is a few other trainees stationed right outside Boghe. my sitemates during training at PK7 are all pretty close too (ryan is just a few km, julies about an hour out and matt is in kaedi) which is awesome.
more stories to come! wish me luck on site visit!
pictures are of the map the PC staff made of mauritania in the sand at the training center in Rosso when they reveiled our permanent sites
We are all so glad to hear you are doing great!! Boghe _ hear she comes
Aw, congratulations Teresa! That is wonderful! I hope you like your placement a lot. Miss you!
Teresa -- so glad you, Ryan, Matt and Julie Ann will continue to be in nearby towns. I think Ryan said he's about 15K from you. And, lucky you! Electricity and running water!! I look forward to keeping up with through your blog. Keep up the great work!
Vicki McAllister
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