Site visit was an amazing blur of americaness that i didnt realize how much i had missed until i was there. complete with AMAZING american food, american tv (on dvds), electricity, fans, and best of all, an american party. my new sitemates are awesome and showed me around Boghe, took me to the tailor to get my first clothes made, and showed me the GMC (girls mentoring center) that i will be the director of. the girl who ran it before me just finished her service a few weeks ago so its all mine now. talk about about a ton of responcibility... i have my own building complete with computer room and will be in charge of a few dozen girls who come to the center after school with computer, english, french, health, etc, classes that im in charge of either teaching or bringing in people to teach. the building is in the same compound as the college and lycee (middle/high school) and has had a long, strong PC presence.
i stayed at the regional house in boghe which one person stationed in boghe lives each year and is the center for american things and get togethers in our region. its a small house but has a huge nice walled in front yard so we can walk around in shorts and tank tops and the locals cant see us. the front yard has a few trees, a hammock, a robinet (water spicket), and outhouse/shower. also there is a regional dog that lives at the region house named bailey! our first projects for revamping the house when we move to site permanently in a few weeks is to get internet at the house, buy a tv and oven, and build a garden- all stuff that im real excited to be able to use. the PCVs there right now are all such good cooks and made the most amazing food out of the most random things... turns out nearly anything is possible with some creativity. we had cinnimon pancakes with mango syrup and hashbrowns, spagetti with alfredo sauce and grilled veggies, spinach and artichoke dip, carrots sticks and ranch dressing, french fries and fried okra, and mexican night. you cannot imagine how good these foods are after only eating with a mauritanian family for 6 weeks.
ive decided to live with a family but pay only rent (most volunteers pay for rent and to eat with the family) and then make my meals at the regional house. the girl who is living in the house this coming year is a vegetarian and really open to letting me make my meals at the house which is great. hopefully i can find a good family to live with in the same neighborhood as the regional house because it is also the same neighborhood that the GMC (my work) is located in.
we also had some good, clean, american fun at the house with all the people in our region. the PCVs there were able to get some drinks from senegal and we got out a kiddie pool and spent the day/night blaring american music. good times...
also note that my address has changed. everything sent to the old one still makes it to me but the new one is more direct so should be faster. either one will work though!
i stayed at the regional house in boghe which one person stationed in boghe lives each year and is the center for american things and get togethers in our region. its a small house but has a huge nice walled in front yard so we can walk around in shorts and tank tops and the locals cant see us. the front yard has a few trees, a hammock, a robinet (water spicket), and outhouse/shower. also there is a regional dog that lives at the region house named bailey! our first projects for revamping the house when we move to site permanently in a few weeks is to get internet at the house, buy a tv and oven, and build a garden- all stuff that im real excited to be able to use. the PCVs there right now are all such good cooks and made the most amazing food out of the most random things... turns out nearly anything is possible with some creativity. we had cinnimon pancakes with mango syrup and hashbrowns, spagetti with alfredo sauce and grilled veggies, spinach and artichoke dip, carrots sticks and ranch dressing, french fries and fried okra, and mexican night. you cannot imagine how good these foods are after only eating with a mauritanian family for 6 weeks.
ive decided to live with a family but pay only rent (most volunteers pay for rent and to eat with the family) and then make my meals at the regional house. the girl who is living in the house this coming year is a vegetarian and really open to letting me make my meals at the house which is great. hopefully i can find a good family to live with in the same neighborhood as the regional house because it is also the same neighborhood that the GMC (my work) is located in.
we also had some good, clean, american fun at the house with all the people in our region. the PCVs there were able to get some drinks from senegal and we got out a kiddie pool and spent the day/night blaring american music. good times...
also note that my address has changed. everything sent to the old one still makes it to me but the new one is more direct so should be faster. either one will work though!
pictures are of me at work at the GMC (the peace corps-Boghe sign), the regional house (inside and outside), and some of the great american food we made
Teresa! What a wonderful spot to spend the next two years!! I have a feeling you may be seeing more of Ryan than you may expect! ;o)
It sounds like you have some exciting work ahead of you, as well. Good luck, and please keep up the wonderful job on your blog!!
Teresa: I just sent you a BIG package today, but sent it to the other address! Sorry! I thought you'd be there for a little while longer. Hope you get it soon. Think about us this week-end -- it is the Irish Festival (I sent you a token to remember us by!).
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